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Home: Welcome
We've moved to a new location!

We used to meet in an old shoe mill on 550 Lisbon Street. However, in God's grace, he opened a door for us to move to a larger, more central location to downtown Lewiston.


Join us at 64 Lisbon St on Sundays at 10am

Free parking is available at the parking garage across from the Park St entrance!

Join us for a Sunday Gathering

10am  |  64 Lisbon St; Lewiston, ME

We are broken people who have been changed by Jesus.

You may have a lot of questions. We understand. You may have grown up in the church, been hurt by those in the church, or never been in a church before. Visiting a new church can be difficult. So, if you are wondering who we are, the most important thing you could know about us is that we are all about Jesus. He has saved us, changed us, unites us, and is why we exist as a church family.


What can I expect?​

We gather every Sunday at 10 am at 64 Lisbon St. in Lewiston. Park in the parking garage on Park Street. It's close and free! We are a friendly bunch and you will probably be welcomed by more than one person. We start with music to get our hearts and our minds focused on Jesus. We spend time hearing from God through his Word, we pray together, and we share the Lord's Supper (we can explain more when you get here). Then we sing some more songs and hang out because we like each other!


What about kids?

Kids are very welcome in the service. There is no need to worry if they make a little noise. We consider this the "sounds of life." We currently offer nursery for the little ones (0-4 y/o) every week and a Kids Class (5-10 y/o) two times a month. We also have a "sway corner" in the back of the sanctuary if your littles need to move around.


What should I bring?

We encourage you to dress comfortably. There is no need to impress us. Many walk to service to join us. If you have a Bible, please bring it. If not, we will have one you can use and even keep! Some people takes notes during the message. Others simply listen. If you are a guest, we do not expect you to give financially to our church. You can do that once you feel more "at home." Money is not what we're about.


How can I learn more about your church?

If you are interested, you can check out these links for more information about who we are and how we live.

Home: About Us
Home: Contact

Contact Us

Do you have questions about the story of God or a question about who we are or what we do?


We would love the opportunity to meet you and answer any questions that you have.


You can send us an email at or join us for a Sunday Gathering at 10 am every Sunday.


Wish to use the building for your small group or an event?


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